The Story of Alex

Names of students changed to protect their identity.

Alex met our Youth Resource Coordinator during their sophomore year of high school. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for teenagers to struggle with acceptance, even without outright bullying or discrimination. For Alex, it's been a difficult journey of unkindness, bullying, and trauma. They have faced harassment and mockery from their peers due to their use of the pronouns "they/them" and for enrolling in classes that are typically perceived as "masculine."

To cope with the emotional burden, Alex turned to various therapists and doctors, was diagnosed with multiple mental health disorders, and was prescribed various medications. However, with the help of supportive peers like Autumn, our Youth Support Liaison, Alex has processed their experiences, regained their mental strength, and is now medication-free and optimistic about the future.

The journey to recovery was long and arduous, but it underscores the importance of emotional support and non-judgmental listening. As Alex prepares for graduation, their school is hosting a special event to celebrate the seniors' transition to adulthood. During the ceremony, each student is asked to identify a supportive adult in their life to sponsor them. Alex has chosen Autumn, a testament to the strong and positive relationship they have built over time.

We asked Autumn how it felt to be asked to support Alex in this way. Here’s what she had to say: “Upon hearing Alex asking me to be their sponsor, initially it didn’t register with me as I was not expecting them to ask me. Once it registered, my eyes welled up with tears of joy and honor as I excitedly yelled, “YES, YES!!!” while jumping up and down. I thanked Alex continuously for them offering me to be their sponsor and explained how honored I would be to walk them across the stage. While in this position it never crossed my mind how fast time would go by and I watch my students grow into amazing young adults and be ready to take on the world. I am beyond proud of Alex for all of their hard work and dedication to getting to where they are at in this moment and will never forget this amazing opportunity to be their sponsor.”