For more than 24 years the generous gifts of West Virginians like yourselves, as well as foundations and other partners, have helped sustain Mission WV’s efforts. Whether helping children find forever families or teaching youth about pregnancy prevention and healthy relationships, your support has helped make a difference in their lives.
But now, your help is needed more than ever. There are over 6,000 kids in foster care in our state and the number is rising. Please help continue our programs’ work to build stronger communities throughout WV by investing in their lives, educations and well-being.
Donations of any dollar amount are happily accepted and greatly appreciated. Check out our most recent Donor Impact Report to learn how your dollars are being utilized.
Online donations may be made by clicking the donation button.
Please mail check or money order donations to:
Mission WV 168 Midland Trl Ste 1, Hurricane, WV 25526
Mission WV values donor relations and has seen firsthand how instrumental donor funds have been toward achieving our mission to improve the lives of children and families in WV.
Mission WV is open to receiving both unrestricted donations and contributions earmarked for specific programs, provided they align with our mission, purpose, and operational capacity. We reserve the right to decline gifts that are overly restrictive, conflict with our mission, or pose an undue financial burden.
In addition, Mission WV welcomes personal/tangible goods, whether new or gently used, as per our solicitations. Each gift is assessed for suitability, and if deemed unsuitable for our youth and families, Mission WV may redirect them to another charitable cause. Used donations exhibiting wear and tear may be disposed of. Due to storage and distribution limitations, unsolicited tangible contributions may be accepted for immediate use in furthering our mission by passing them on or reselling them to provide direct assistance to children and families.
Mission WV may acknowledge donors in annual reports, social media, and publications unless the donor requests anonymity. We also prioritize maintaining one of the region's lowest overhead rates to maximize the impact of donor dollars.
At the year's end, Mission WV automatically issues tax receipts for financial contributions exceeding $500, while all others may be requested. All donations are considered non-refundable/returnable.