How do I choose a foster care agency?


Have you thought about becoming a foster parent? You know there is a great need for more foster families in West Virginia, but you aren't sure where to start?  Taking the first step in your foster care journey might feel like a "leap in the dark," but we are here to help. 

You might wonder if becoming a foster parent is right for you and your family.  Maybe you have a lot of questions about what it means to be a foster parent and you aren't sure what will be involved in the process. Mission West Virginia is here to assist families who want to learn more about fostering and adopting. We can mail  or email you our information guide and talk with you on the telephone or chat via email to answer any questions you might have before you take the next step - choosing a foster care/adoption agency to work with. 

Once you've decided to move forward, we can work with you as you choose which agency is the best fit for your family. In West Virginia, there are 11 agencies that provide foster care and adoption certification services. With our information guide,  you will receive a list of agencies that serve the county you live in. 

We will also provide a list of suggested questions to ask an agency when you contact them. You may want to ask the agency about their office locations, their upcoming training schedule and services provided to families.  The basic certification process includes an application, training, and a homestudy. A homestudy will consist of completing paperwork, interviews, a safety check of your home and criminal background and child abuse clearances. The worker will generally visit your home two to three times and the timeline can vary from family to family.

Contact Mission West Virginia! We will mail or email you an information guide and a list of agencies that serve the county you live in. We also have a page on our website that explains the process to foster care certification. Our guide includes Frequently Asked Questions, the steps to certification, general requirements and more. We are also available to speak with you on the phone, we are happy to answer your questions and help you get started on this journey.

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