Frequently Asked Questions about Foster Care and Adoption in WV


Have you considered fostering or adopting in West Virginia but you just aren't sure where to start and you have questions about the process? Our staff are experienced in the certification process and we are happy to answer any questions you might have. Below are a few of the most commonly asked questions we receive. We've also put together a FAQ information sheet that you can save to your computer or print. 

What is the criteria to become a foster or adoptive family?

You must be 21 years of age or older.
• Have a stable & secure income.
• Be in good physical/mental health.
• Pass a home safety inspection.
• Free of any substantiated child abuse reports
   and free of a criminal background.
• Have a stable family relationship.
*Requirements may vary slightly depending on the agency
  you are working with.

How long does the certification process take?

While the length of time can vary between agencies, you should generally expect an average of four to six months to be certified. Families can begin by collecting required paperwork for their homestudy as well as learning about upcoming trainings being offered in their county.

Is there a cost to become a foster or adoptive parent?

There is essentially no cost to become a certified foster or adoptive parent. Agencies may charge small fees for background checks and there may be costs associated with buying items for your home, for example, a fire extinguisher. Private agencies may have fees for infant or international adoption.

What kind of financial assistance is available to foster and adoptive families?

Families need to show financial stability to qualify for certification. However, children in foster care are eligible for monthly subsidies and medical cards. Children adopted from foster care are also eligible for subsidies even after the adoption.

What is involved in the certification process?

In order to be certified as a foster/adoptive family, families must select an agency, attend a training course and complete a homestudy. Contact us today to request our free information guide that includes more in-depth information about selecting an agency, the training and the homestudy. You can also call and speak with our Family Liaison directly by calling, 304-512-0555.

Download and save or print a one-page information sheet with our Frequently Asked Questions: