Screen Time
Foster Care, parenting, teens, THINK, video gamesRebecca Whitescreen time, technology, tv, television, think, books, magazines, board games, tablets, phones, parenting
Drug Abuse & Misuse: Prevention, Protection & Testing
addiction, e-cigarette, drug trends, nicotine, parenting, teen trends, teens, substance abuse, THINK, tobaccoRebecca White
Teaching our kids about consent
Blessing Box Locations
Episode 5: Ask Us Anything: Relationships
Forms of Abuse
dating abuse, parenting, teen trends, teens, THINKRebecca Whiteabusive relationship, abuse, dating abuse, sexual abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse, relationships, healthy relationships, stalking, bullying, love, love is, unhealthy relationships
Working With Foster Care Agencies During COVID-19
adopt, adoption, awareness, foster, Foster Care, foster care, frameworks, FrameWorks, parentingKylee McMullencovid, covid-19, Corona Virus, Foster Care WV, Foster Family
Understanding Consent
National Adoption Month: The Thornberry Family
adoption, adopt, foster, Foster Care, foster care, FrameWorks, frameworks, parentingKylee McMullenFoster Care, adoption west virginia, adoption wv, adoption, Foster Care WV
Goals – The Importance and How to Set